Google Ads can now exclude data from smart strategies


Google Ads has launched a new tool that lets you exclude certain data from smart bidding strategies.


Smart strategies take into account conversion data and its value. This information is used to achieve goals. If the system encounters problems related to the calculation of conversions, they can affect the bidding.

For example, these can be errors that contribute to inaccurate conversion data or their value in Google Ads, such as problems with adding tags or website crashes.

Advertisers can now take advantage of data exclusions to help prevent these issues from negatively impacting their bidding processes.

Data exclusion is a tool that tells smart bidders that data was received on dates when conversion tracking was down and should be ignored.

The new tool can be used for search, shopping, and display campaigns.

For more information on data exceptions, see Help.


New member
Thanks for sharing this update about Google Ads! The ability to exclude certain data from smart bidding strategies sounds like a valuable tool for advertisers. It's crucial to ensure accurate conversion data, and this feature can help prevent issues caused by inaccuracies or technical glitches.
Being able to tell the system to ignore data received during periods of conversion tracking issues is a smart move. It should help maintain the effectiveness of search, shopping, and display campaigns.
If anyone's interested in managing and tracking their Google Ads campaigns effectively, Google Ads Dashboards can be a handy resource. This update should make the bidding process smoother and more reliable for advertisers.
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