How to bypass captcha verification on Gmail


Gmail was the first of Google's landmark services since the company debuted its search engine in 1998. However, it not only swept away Hotmail and Yahoo Mail, the largest free email services of those years, but also became a fundamentally new phenomenon.

With its huge data storage, attractive interface, instant search and other advanced features, Gmail can be considered the first true cloud application that is quite capable of completely replacing PC software, and not just supplementing it.

The Gmail service is owned by Google and to protect against bots, captchas of their own development, reCAPTCHA, are used. How to bypass this type of captcha and remove all bans on automatic actions in Gmail?


Why does Gmail need captcha?

This is the most popular postal service in the world, the company is protected from:
1. Brute force account hacking by brute force passwords.
2. Automatic bulk account creation.
3. Actions that lead to spam.

How to bypass reCAPTCHA in Gmail?
2Captcha is an automatic captcha bypass service. The best Gmail captcha solver API.


Use our extension to bypass hCaptcha automatically

Sources on GitHub at the link
Registration in the service