1. "100%" - recognition is conditional, mistakes are possible, but we can guarantee very low error rates, up to 0.001%. We can provide written guarantees and conclude a contract, contact
2. "100%" recognition is several times more expensive than regular. One image is deciphered by several people. To understand how the price is formed, read the algorithm of 100% recognition description below
Before starting using this function you need to install:
"the minimum number of attempts" - the number of workers that will receive the image immediately
"minimum number of matches" - the number if identical answers necessary for recognition
"maximum number of attempts" - the maximum number of employees that can be involved in unraveling the image.
Step1: After sending an image, it is forwarded to several employees (as you pointed out in "the minimum number of attempts")
Step 2:. After all employees have answered, answers are compared. If the number of identical answers is the same as the "minimum number of matches" that you set, the image is recognized and you get the response. Step 3: If the number of identical answers is not sufficient and the number of responding employees is less than the maximum number of attempts " the image is sent to additional employees who have not yet participated in decoding this image. If the number of responding employees is equal to the "maximum number of answers", the image is recognized as unrecognizable at the current settings and you get the "ERROR_BAD_DUPLICATES" answer
Step4: After the new employees give an answer, all the answers are compared again. If the number of identical answers satisfies the requirements, the image is recognized, if the number of necessary responses is insufficient, repeat Step 3.
You pay for each recognition. For example - if 2 employees participated in the recognition, the amount for 2 regular recognitions will be written off from your balance. If 6 people participated the amount for 6 regular recognitions will be written off from your balance.