2captcha service in the Money Robot software, the main advantages of using this captcha service are :
1. Lower price (~45% lower price comparing with deathbycaptcha)
2. Better speed on replying the captcha results
3. It supports the new image recaptcha
The first thing needed is creating of the account:
After the account creation process is ready you can login to your account and press on the Deposit button and select your preferred payment method.
In the "Please insert the amount you want to add" you can write $10 or more.
After the order is made, you need to click on the 2Captcha API link and find your API key, this API key you will need to add it in Money Robot software.
The next step is to add the captcha API key to the Money Robot software, you need to press on Settings button, and navigate to "Catcha services" tab and insert your key to the 2captcha API KEY section and then press on the "Check Balance" button , your balance amount should be visible in a couple minutes after order is being processed, the final step is to press on the save button like in the image from below.
This is the entire process of purchasing and integrating of 2captcha service in Money Robot software, I want to mention that the software will automatically solve all simple captchas for free, just make sure this option is activated in the "Captcha Services" tab, but is always recommended to have a captcha service account so you will get the maximum success rate during the account creation process (maximum number of links).
In this image you will see the "Solving simple captcha automatically by Money Robot(for free)"
1. Lower price (~45% lower price comparing with deathbycaptcha)
2. Better speed on replying the captcha results
3. It supports the new image recaptcha
The first thing needed is creating of the account:
After the account creation process is ready you can login to your account and press on the Deposit button and select your preferred payment method.
In the "Please insert the amount you want to add" you can write $10 or more.
After the order is made, you need to click on the 2Captcha API link and find your API key, this API key you will need to add it in Money Robot software.
The next step is to add the captcha API key to the Money Robot software, you need to press on Settings button, and navigate to "Catcha services" tab and insert your key to the 2captcha API KEY section and then press on the "Check Balance" button , your balance amount should be visible in a couple minutes after order is being processed, the final step is to press on the save button like in the image from below.
This is the entire process of purchasing and integrating of 2captcha service in Money Robot software, I want to mention that the software will automatically solve all simple captchas for free, just make sure this option is activated in the "Captcha Services" tab, but is always recommended to have a captcha service account so you will get the maximum success rate during the account creation process (maximum number of links).
In this image you will see the "Solving simple captcha automatically by Money Robot(for free)"