If your software is using our service, we suggest that you add it to our catalog.
Our catalog is a good e-commerce platform to promote your apps.
Moreover, developers who integrate their software with 2captcha will be rewarded with 10% of spendings of their software users (or use it as a discount on the 2captcha service for their users).
1. Please fill in all fields in the form below
2. You will then see your program and its ""soft_id"" in the My programs page
3. Update your code to send an additional ""soft_id=%YOUR_soft_ID%"" parameter with every captcha request
4. Now your program will be ranked in the catalog every week depending on the number of users of your software.
You can add your software to our catalog here.
Our catalog is a good e-commerce platform to promote your apps.
Moreover, developers who integrate their software with 2captcha will be rewarded with 10% of spendings of their software users (or use it as a discount on the 2captcha service for their users).
1. Please fill in all fields in the form below
2. You will then see your program and its ""soft_id"" in the My programs page
3. Update your code to send an additional ""soft_id=%YOUR_soft_ID%"" parameter with every captcha request
4. Now your program will be ranked in the catalog every week depending on the number of users of your software.
You can add your software to our catalog here.