Automatic walker, search and extraction of resources in the game
Support of the https protocol is included.
New in version 3.13-3.14
- Fixed security bugs.
What's new in version 3.12
- Fixed security bugs. Embedded code that makes it difficult for the Project Administration to detect the extension.
- Due to well-known reasons, support for the expansion has been discontinued. This version is the latest. The entire extension is now free.
New in version 3.9 - 3.11
- Work on bugs.
- In the settings, the ability to select which resources to scan when searching has been added - either first adjacent, or first probable, that is, those in which a real resource may be located after receiving a message about the probable location of a res in five steps.
New in version 3.8
- Work on bugs. The character now does not move to the next res until he has scanned all nearby res. Cuts empty resources to access inaccessible resources only when there are no unscanned objects left nearby. Can bend around islands when sailing. On the islands, upon reaching the coast, it changes the direction of the search. In front of inaccessible resom no longer runs around it. Almost all freezes have been worked out.
New in version 3.7
- Fixed a bug with long processing when searching and collecting rees, which did not allow taking grass or a chest.
- Added a list item in the settings - when loading a city, exit the game. This is done at the request of homeless players and non-clans. Be careful, this setting will not allow you to enter the game after that. For a successful login, it must be disabled.
New in version 3.5-3.6
- Added a button to the additional panel that allows you to enable or disable the chess.
- Added setting - After loading the city, the character independently goes to the previously selected room. Useful when attacking in the forest - after loading the city, the character hides himself, for example, in a throne.
- Reworked algorithms for finding and extracting resources. The character now knows how to identify inaccessible resources, exclude them from the search, and also sometimes chop empty resorts to gain access to previously inaccessible ones.
- The anti-captcha algorithm has been improved. The character now reports not only about the unsuccessful results of solving the captcha, but also sends likes to the server for the correct solution.
New in version 3.3 - 3.4
- Improved the algorithm for the adventure game. The character now walks non-stop.
- Added setting - After loading the forest, the character independently goes to work to the place of the last scan.
- Attention! After clicking the "Save" button, ALL settings are now applied IMMEDIATELY, without reloading the page.
New in version 3.2
- Added selection of the AntiCaptcha server in the extension settings.
- Added an algorithm for controlling the work of the character, imitating the lost responses of the game server and restarting the crafting processes when it hangs.
What's new in version 3.1
- A new release has been released, preparations are underway to merge with the "Quick Buttons".
- Changed the interface of the extension. A group of tabs with a magazine, all kinds of information and control buttons has been added under the avatar.
- The old interface has been abandoned for now. All control buttons in the new and old interface work synchronously.
- Fixed bugs that caused the character to freeze. Changed the search algorithm in hard-to-reach places. Added the ability to automatically reload the page with the inclusion of all previously working procedures.
New in version 2.9 - 2.10
- added setting of detail of messages output to the chat window.
- the program's functionality has been restored when collecting chests and herbs.
- the character now knows how to change clothes by himself, putting on the necessary tool.
- changed the algorithm for searching for resources - now the character does not rest against the border of the location when he moves to another place of search, but changes the direction of the search almost to the opposite (3 turns to the left)
- added the ability to update the secret code from the extension settings page.
New in version 2.8
- added pauses in the process of searching and extracting resources. The size of the smoke breaks can be specified in the extension settings. Smoke Break Short - 10x reduction of customizable smoke break, Super Short Break - 50x reduction.
The current version is not yet compatible with the "Quick Buttons for RPG (Premium version)" extension. For normal operation of the "Assistant" "Shortcuts" must be temporarily disabled. In the future, the functionality of this extension will be added to the "Quick Buttons" with a corresponding revision of the pricing policy. Assistant has an integrated automatic bypass captcha system 2captcha