Automatic ReCAPTCHA V3 resolution - a tutorial for developers and customers


Introducing a complete tutorial on automatic reCAPTCHA V3 resolution with 2captcha service. It contains a lot of previously published information but now it contains everything developers and customers need.

2Captcha provides reCAPTCHA V3 resolution
We have been able to bypass reCAPTCHA V3 since June 2018. It was in beta for some time because our algorithms weren't perfect. Eventually, on June 2020 we finally came up with a solid solution. We have spent one more year working on scalability of the way to bypass V3. Now we can provide 5-7 million of V3 solutions with 0.9 score per day peaking up to 50,000 captchas per minute. Shortly we will double that and will be able to scale our capacity depending on our needs. By the way, if you have some idle computing capacity, you can use it to earn funds solving V3 doing absolutely nothing. All you need is a PC and a Chrome browser with our extension installed. Read more about it at: Passive income from reCAPTCHA v3.

V3 isn't a captcha and what is the meaning of "score"
reCAPTCHA V3 is not your regular captcha task. It's not an automated Turing test to distinguish robots from humans. reCAPTCHA V3 is a browser scoring mechanism that recognizes who operates the browser, a human or a program. The result of bypassing reCAPTCHA V3 is a score from 0.1 to 0.9 where 0.1 is "most likely a robot" and 0.9 is "most likely a human". 2captcha provides tokens with a 0.9 score.

How do I know there is a ReCaptcha V3?
reCAPTCHA V2: There is a checkbox on a page.
reCAPTCHA V2 Invisible: There is no checkbox, but there is a reCAPTCHA logo in the bottom right corner. Sometimes you are asked to solve a reCAPTCHA.
reCAPTCHA V3: There is no checkbox, but there is a reCAPTCHA logo in the bottom right corner. You are never asked to solve a reCAPTCHA.

Sometimes it is really tricky to distinguish between a reCAPTCHA V2 Invisible and a V3. In such cases, simply open the browser's console Command+Option+C (Mac) or Control+Shift+C (Windows, Linux, Chrome OS) and check the requests sent to (or in some cases) on a Network tab.

Find a request

Then check for

The first request should always be there. If you cannot find it, try to change the hostname to "" and look for it until you find it. If you cannot find the second request to userverify, then it's a case of reCAPTCHA V3. If there is a request to userverify, then it's a ReCaptcha V2 Invisible.
