


bestcaptchasolverapi is a super easy to use bypass captcha API wrapper for captcha service

git clone

How to use?
Simply import the library, set the auth details and start using the captcha service:
using bestcaptchasolver;

Set access_token or username and password (legacy) for authentication
string access_token = "your_access_key"; var bcs = new BestCaptchaSolverAPI(access_token);

Once you've set your authentication details, you can start using the API

Get balance
string balance = bcs.account_balance(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Balance: {0}", balance));

Submit image captcha
var d = new Dictionary<string, string>();
d.Add("image", "captcha.jpg");   // file on disk, or b64 encoded string
// d.Add("is_case", "true");       // case sensitive, default: false, optional
// d.Add("is_phrase", "true");     // contains at least one space, default: false, optional
// d.Add("is_math", "true");       // math calculation captcha, default: false, optional
// d.Add("alphanumeric", "2");     // 1 (digits only) or 2 (letters only), default: all characters
// d.Add("minlength", "3");        // minimum length of captcha text, default: any
// d.Add("maxlength", "4");        // maximum length of captcha text, default: any
// d.Add("affiliate_id", "get it from /account");      // affiliate ID
var id = bcs.submit_image_captcha(d);// use ID to retrieve `text`

Submit recaptcha details
For recaptcha submission there are two things that are required.
  • page_url
  • site_key
  • type (optional, defaults to 1 if not given)
    • 1 - v2
    • 2 - invisible
    • 3 - v3
    • 4 - enterprise v2
    • 5 - enterprise v3
  • v3_action (optional)
  • v3_min_score (optional)
  • data_s (optional)
  • cookie_input (optional)
  • user_agent (optional)
  • affiliate_id (optional)
  • proxy (optional)
For more details about the parameters check /api page
var rd = new Dictionary<string, string>();
rd.Add("page_url", page_url);
rd.Add("site_key", site_key);
// rd.Add("type", "1");        // 1 - regular, 2 - invisible, 3 - v3, default: 1
// rd.Add("v3_action", "home");    // action used when solving v3 reCaptcha
// rd.Add("v3_min_score", "0.3");  // min score to target when solving v3
// rd.Add("data_s", "recaptcha data-s parameter used in loading reCAPTCHA");
// rd.Add("proxy", "user:pass@");     // proxy with/out authentication
// rd.Add("affiliate_id", "get it from /account");
var id = bcs.submit_recaptcha(rd);// use ID to retrieve `gresponse`

Same as before, this returns an ID which is used to regulary check for completion

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