Package for serving captcha solutions from the 2captcha API.
Supported Captcha Types: RecaptchaV2, RecaptchaV3, Funcaptcha, hCaptcha
Fixed Solver: Solve a fixed number of captchas with an optional task multiplier for avoiding hanging tasks.
Persistent Solver: Keep solving captchas using the designated number of threads until channels are closed.
* Note for persistent solving: closing either the solutions or errors channel cancels the solving runtime.
* General Note: mostly untested because of schoolwork, please create issues with any errors or whatnot that occur!
go get -u ""
Usage (Fixed)
// Initialize the solving instance (api key, threads, total, multiplier, enable errors channel)
fixedSolver, ok := twocaptcha.NewFixedSolver("insert_api_key_here", 100, 1000, 1.1, false)
if !ok {
// provided API key is invalid, do something
// Set the type of captcha to solve, with parameters
fixedSolver.SetRecaptchaV2("insert_sitekey_here", "insert_siteurl_here")
go fixedSolver.SolvingRuntime() // begin solving routine
for solution := range fixedSolver.Channels.Solved {
// do something with captcha solution
Usage (Persistent)
// Initialize the solving instance (api key, threads, enable errors channel)
persistentSolver, ok := twocaptcha.NewPersistentSolver("insert_api_key_here", 100, false)
if !ok {
// provided API key is invalid, do something
// Set the type of captcha to solve, with parameters
persistentSolver.SetRecaptchaV2("insert_sitekey_here", "insert_siteurl_here")
go persistentSolver.SolvingRuntime() // begin solving routine
for solution := range persistentSolver.Channels.Solved {
// do something with captcha solution
// [in an alternate goroutine ...]
close(persistentSolver.Channels.Solved) // close when you've had enough