Geetest is a type of captcha that is used by websites to prevent automated bots from performing certain actions. It is a type of challenge-response test used to determine whether or not the user is human. However, cybercriminals have found ways to bypass Geetest, and one such method is by using 2Captcha.
2Captcha is a service that allows users to bypass Geetest challenges by outsourcing tasks to human workers. When a user encounters a Geetest challenge while using a website or application, they can submit it to 2Captcha for solving. The challenge is then assigned to human workers who use their intelligence to solve the task accurately. Once the challenge is successfully solved, the response is returned to 2Captcha, which forwards it back to the user's application via their API.
The process for solving Geetest using 2Captcha is straightforward. The user sends the Geetest challenge to the 2Captcha API, and the challenge is assigned to human workers who solve it. The response is then returned to the user's application via the API. The recognition cost for Geetest is very low, starting from 0.01 cent for one Geetest. 2Captcha provides an API that can be integrated with various programming languages, including PHP, Python, C++, Java, C#, Ruby, and Go.
In conclusion, Geetest is a type of captcha that is used by websites to prevent automated bots from performing certain actions. However, cybercriminals have found ways to bypass Geetest, and one such method is by using 2Captcha. 2Captcha is a low-cost solution that allows users to bypass Geetest challenges by outsourcing tasks to human workers. The process for solving Geetest using 2Captcha is straightforward, and the service provides an API that can be integrated with various programming languages.