TikTok provide it's own captcha with different types of challenges: puzzle, select similar objects, etc
To bypass TikTok captcha:
List of GET/POST request parameters here.
To bypass TikTok captcha:
- Get all the cookies set by TikTok and make sure you don't have s_v_web_id cookie. If you have it, clear the cookies and open the page again.
- Submit a POST request to our API URL: with method set to tiktok. Inside cookies parameter provide the cookies as a string where name and value of a cookie are separated by colon. Use semicolon as a separator for cookies. For example: name:value;other:value2;one_more_cookie:another_value. Provide the full page URL as value for pageurl.
You can find the full list of parameters in the table below.
- If everything is fine server will return the ID of your captcha as plain text, like: OK|2122988149 or as JSON {"status":1,"request":"2122988149"} if json parameter was used.
Otherwise server will return an error code.
- Make a 15-20 seconds timeout then submit a HTTP GET request to our API URL: to get the result.
The full list of parameters is in the table below.
If captcha is successfully solved server will return a set of cookies inside JSON object if you use json=1 parameter or as a plain text string.
JSON response example:
Code:{ "status": 1, "request":"tt_webid:6854206562317010438;tt_webid_v2:6854206562317010438;SLARDAR_WEB_ID:c0fb77f5-ceb6-4d16-a066-61f19df1593e;s_v_web_id:verify_kd4reawo_zpQVF8KK_FFMI_4zuE_8NiQ_hayRdXyiKYtZ", "cookies": { "tt_webid": "6854206562317010438", "tt_webid_v2": "6854206562317010438", "SLARDAR_WEB_ID": "c0fb77f5-ceb6-4d16-a066-61f19df1593e", "s_v_web_id": "verify_kd4reawo_zpQVF8KK_FFMI_4zuE_8NiQ_hayRdXyiKYtZ" } }
If captcha is not solved yet server will return CAPCHA_NOT_READY result. Repeat your request in 5 seconds.
If something went wrong server will return an error code. - Use the cookies returned to continue your interaction with TikTok website setting cookies in your browser or HTTP client.
List of GET/POST request parameters here.