Bypassing reCAPTCHA V2 on Google Search


The process of bypassing reCAPTCHA V2 on Google Search is a bit different from common cases. The difference is in additional string value data-s used by the captcha. The value can be used only once.

To successfully bypass the captcha:
  • you MUST obtain new data-s value for each captcha solving attempt
  • you SHOULD use cookies OR proxy each time you solve the captcha

So you have a choice there: you can use a proxy to interact with the website and provide the same proxy to our API. Or you can provide your cookies and then use cookies returned by our API - in such case proxy is not required.

Step by step process:
  1. Get the data for all the required parameters:
  2. googlekey
  3. data-s
  4. pageurl
  5. cookies OR proxy and proxytype
    Cookies should be provided as a string containing key:value pairs. Delimeter for keys and values is colon, separator between the pairs is semicolon, example: key:val;foo:bar;cookieName:cookie value string; Detailed description of API parameters can be found in reCAPTCHA V2 section of our API docs.
    Proxies are provided using two parameters: proxy in the following format proxyuser:strongPassword@ and proxytype with a type of your proxy HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4 or SOCKS5. More info on proxies can be found in Using proxies section of our API docs.​
  6. Interact with our API to get the solution. Submit the captcha to in.php endpoint and request the result from res.php endpoint. We recommend to use json=1 parameter to receive the response as JSON.
  7. Use the data from the response to bypass the captcha. The response will contain the token to bypass reCAPTCHA V2 and, if you used cookies, the response will also include a set of cookies. Apply the cookies, place the token into g-recaptcha-response field and submit the form captcha-form. You will be redirected to the target page.
Please note: each data-s value can be used only once. Due to that, if the first worker is unable to solve your captcha for some reason you will receive ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE error code. We can not make more than one attempt to use each data-s and due to that there are more cases when you receive ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE in comparison with reCAPTCHA V2 without data-s parameter.