CAPTCHA solving, need help please!


New member
Hi guys, I am just a normal user and I don't know anything about coding.

I have come across a website that I use a lot (I used to key in the captcha manually everytime) and now I am really frustrated with the manual efforts that I have to put in.

I think this is a simple captcha but I don't know how to create script/browser extension to auto solve it.


For example, the captcha above will be shown in the webpage in this form. But if you copy the captcha and paste it into notepad, you can know that the words are formed with many asterisk:


Any idea/recommendation of way to auto solve this type of captcha? Or any website/book that I can read to gain knowledge and develop my own script for this?

Thousands of thanks in advanced.

Mark Miller

2Captcha Engineer
Staff member
Hi guys, I am just a normal user and I don't know anything about coding.

I have come across a website that I use a lot (I used to key in the captcha manually everytime) and now I am really frustrated with the manual efforts that I have to put in.

I think this is a simple captcha but I don't know how to create script/browser extension to auto solve it.

View attachment 10

For example, the captcha above will be shown in the webpage in this form. But if you copy the captcha and paste it into notepad, you can know that the words are formed with many asterisk:

View attachment 11

Any idea/recommendation of way to auto solve this type of captcha? Or any website/book that I can read to gain knowledge and develop my own script for this?

Thousands of thanks in advanced.


I don't think that any ready to use solution for this captcha exists as well as there's no easy way to solve it with no coding experience.
Probably you can try to use something like Zennoposter or iMacros as an environment where you can create a custom solution.

Basically there are two approaches to solve this captcha:
1. Capture it as an image (take a screenshot of the area with captcha) and then upload to 2captcha API as a Normal captcha:
2. The captcha is based on FIGlet fonts that makes possible to generate a huge set of string for all 6-character combinations of symbols (A-Z,0-9) using the same algorithm and perform a search in this set every time you see the captcha. But this method requires even more code experience.