Dark Sender




Features of the program:
  • Multithreading - all authorized accounts are sent simultaneously, each to its own unique group or user.
  • Works with new VK design.
  • Proxy support - http / s, socks4, socks5
  • Support for captcha recognition by services - antigate, ripcaptcha, rucapcha
  • User-agents support.
  • Blacklist support when sending to users.
  • Substitution macros for the username to whom we are sending messages.
  • Randomization of the text.
  • Attachments of a photo, video, document.
  • Different types of message sending.

Functions of the program:
  • Communities newsletter:
  • Sending messages to community walls
  • Distribution of comments to community posts.
  • Submit news to public.

Newsletter to users:
  • Sending private messages to users according to the list.
  • Sending messages to the walls to users.
  • Sending comments to users' videos.
  • Distribution of comments to the walls of users.

Mailing to friends:
  • Sending a private message to friends.
  • Sending a message to your friends on the wall.
  • Send your friends a comment on the wall.

  • Sending comments to a video by video list.
  • Users' liking (liking an avatar, the last post on the wall, a random photo in the album).
  • Inviting friends to the community.
  • Sending invitations to friends by the list of users.
  • Inviting from the group to a meeting.
  • Reposting records.
  • Cleaning the page and community.

  • Parser video from search.
  • Parser communities from search.
  • Community user parser
  • Collecting information about users.
  • Parser of audio recording owners.

Dark Sender has an integrated automatic bypass captcha system 2captcha.com