
Your API key from the captcha recognition service. You can get it on the settings page, for example, where it is called "Captcha KEY"

Enables / disables parsing of the HTML code of the page.

Send \ do not send the form after the response to the captcha has been received from the captcha service. Be careful with this option. Some WEB-forms do not check the filling of all data and after sending the data, they will reload the page indicating that all the fields must be filled in, while the extension will perceive this as a new page and again solve the captcha and send the form, after which it will solve the captcha again and again and send the form until you close the tab or you run out of balance on the rukupche.

Delay before automatic form submission after receiving a response from rucapcha

If the rucaptcha could not solve the captcha or the extension could not load the captcha on, then the extension can resend the request for the rucaptcha. Please note that if for some reason the website where the captcha is passed does not accept the response to the captcha by reloading the page, then for the extension it will be a new page with a new captcha. Even if the option "In case of error, repeat" is disabled, the extension will send a new captcha to the rucaptcha.

If the extension could not load the captcha on and you have a repeat download set, then here you can set a timeout between attempts

Checkboxes are installed for each type of captcha.

the extension will search for this type of captcha on the page.

finding this type of captcha on the page, the extension will send it to RuCaptcha. If you have not enabled "solve automatically", the extension, upon finding this type of captcha, will embed the "solve with 2Captcha" button under the found captcha into the page code.

if you want RuCaptcha to solve your captchas through your proxy, then enable the "use proxy" option

RuCaptcha supports HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS4 / SOCKS5 proxies. Rukapcha does not know how to automatically determine the type of proxy, so you must specify it yourself

Login, password, IP-address and port of your proxy, which the extension will send to rucaptcha along with captcha. If you have a proxy without authorization, specify only the IP and port, like this "" and do not forget to give access to this proxy from the IP address Our employees will not get direct access to your proxy, we tunnel requests to it through our gateway -