Only the funds earned in the system are paid. If you replenish the balance, then the replenished cannot be withdrawn. Do not top up your balance if you do not plan to send images to the service for recognition.
Minimum payout, for which payment systems and how quickly it is paid.
WebMoney, Payeer - minimum payout 15 rubles
Yandex.Money, QIWI - minimum payment 16 rubles
BitCoin, PerfectMoney, AdvCash - minimum payout 30 rubles
Amounts up to 100 rubles per day are processed within 20 minutes, over 100 rubles per day are paid within 1-2 business days.
In some cases, the payout may "hang" and not be paid automatically. In these cases, you do not need to write to us anywhere, wait 2 working days - the payment will come on its own.
To the phone - the minimum payment amount is 15 rubles, payments are made only to Russian numbers. Payments to phones are mandatory on Monday and Friday from 18:00 to 23:59 Moscow time, sometimes payments can be made additionally on other days. In cases where the payment to the phone is refused, this means that for some reason your operator has not yet accepted the payment by your number. Perhaps he will take it next time and then you need to order the payment again. Or change the direction of payment and withdraw funds to any available payment system.
On a bank card issued in Russia - The minimum order amount is 150 rubles. When withdrawing up to 950 rubles: 45 rubles + 4.9% of the amount of the remaining payment. When withdrawing 950 or more: no commission.
To a bank card issued outside Russia - The minimum order amount is 700 rubles. When withdrawing up to 3000 rubles: 300 rubles + 4.6% of the amount of the remaining payment. When withdrawing 3000 or more: no commission
I lost the button "withdraw funds" where did it go?
The button disappears if you top up your balance. If you have replenished your balance, the system considers that you are a webmaster who sends an image for recognition and you do not need to withdraw funds (you can only withdraw earned funds). To return the replenished, fill out the application below "refund"
The application for payment has been completed, but the funds have not been paid
Sometimes it happens that the request is not executed automatically. You do not need to write to us about this, the application will be processed within the next 2 working days.
We also remind you that payments to the phone are made on Mondays and Fridays (sometimes on other days as well)
Refunds entered into the system
you must write through the form at the bottom of the page a request for a return, indicating:
1) Reason for return
2) From which wallet and through which payment system you replenished
3) When did you make a deposit and how much
Refunds are made only to those wallets from which the replenishment was carried out. Refunds take place within a month from the date of full registration of the refund request.
Can I withdraw money if I am from Ukraine \ Belarus \ Kazakhstan \ America?
Yes, if you have a ruble wallet and you can transfer payments from Russia in rubles to it.