Google Names Top Searches & Topics 2020


Google summed up the results of the outgoing year and found out which events and topics aroused interest and grabbed the attention of users in 2020.

The main video of the year focuses on the questions that users asked in 2020:

Top 10 search queries:
  1. Coronavirus
  2. Election results
  3. Kobe Bryant (American basketball player who died in a plane crash on January 26, 2020)
  4. Zoom
  5. IPL (Indian Premier League - professional cricket league in India)
  6. India vs New Zealand
  7. Coronavirus what's new
  8. Coronavirus symptoms
  9. Joe Biden
  10. Google Classroom

“This year is coming to an end. He taught us a lot - to appreciate live communication and each other, to rejoice in little things and to see beauty nearby. No matter how difficult this year was, let it ultimately make us a little better, ”summed up at Google.