Google Publishes Guide to Getting Help Through Hangouts for Webmasters


Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Roundtable noticed that Google has published a help guide for getting help through video meetings for webmasters (Google Search Central office hours).


The document explains what such conferences are and what types of meetings exist.

Thus, Google conducts English Google SEO office hours on all issues related to search engine optimization.

There are also regional versions - Japanese Google Search office hours and German Google SEO office hours, where issues regarding Google search in Japan and Germany, respectively, are discussed.

In addition, Google hosts video meetings on JavaScript SEO - JavaScript SEO office hours, as well as one-time thematic meetings, for example, for e-commerce resources or news sites.

You can find out when the next appointment will be in the calendar of events or in the Community section of the Google Search Central YouTube channel. You can also post questions there.

Before the meeting, Google publishes a link to Google Meet in the same Community section of its YouTube channel.

Video meetings are available for everyone who works with websites (website owners, SEOs, developers), from beginners to professionals.

When submitting a question, it is recommended to formulate it briefly and focus on a broader issue, and not on a specific site. For instance:
  • When should a site owner optimize for a crawl budget?
  • Does Googlebot find JavaScript-generated links?
Google recommends avoiding questions like:
  • When is the next Core Update?
  • Why isn't my site ranking?
  • Will Google do X in the future?
As for questions related to a specific site, they are not suitable for this kind of meeting, since they require more preparation. Besides, the answers to them are usually of little use to others.

These types of questions are best asked on the Search Central Help Community forum, where members and experts can share their insights and advice.

You can check out the new Google guidance here.