Google: titles with a lot of keywords don't violate webmaster guidelines


During the last webmaster hangout, Google employee John Mueller stated that title titles and meta descriptions with a lot of keywords did not violate the webmaster guidelines.

The author of the question gave an example of a florist company, in the description of which there were many target keywords, but at the same time it occupied high positions in the search results.

Mueller responded that saturating the title and description meta tags with a large number of keywords is not a violation of Google recommendations. Moreover, the search engine does not even consider this a problem.

However, Google does not recommend using this tactic, since with a large number of keywords it is more difficult to understand which query the page is relevant to.

According to Mueller, the biggest improvement you can expect after rewriting your titles and descriptions is your CTR.

That being said, he recommends taking a more focused approach when writing title titles and meta descriptions.

“This is a really common tactic. We also say that we use keywords in the title titles in our ranking system, and some people try to add all the keywords to their titles ... But just because they are used for ranking does not mean that you have to stuff everything there. - noted Mueller."

In his opinion, the impact on CTR from search is more important than the effect on ranking. This is especially true for small businesses that don't have much of a chance of being seen in search results in many places because they are focused on their geographic area.

Therefore, he recommends taking a different approach when writing page titles and descriptions.