I'm trying to bypass the recaptchav2 of this website.
It has a javascript file that contains:
The page automatically sends the token once completed/checked/solved. My problem is i dont know how to trigger the callback. I've found that using ___grecaptcha_cfg is an option so I've tried via chrome devtools console ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].B.B.callback = "token" but nothings happens. I have checked that ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].B.B.callback is the correct one. How do i solve this?
It has a javascript file that contains:
// the recaptcha code
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="" data-callback="ReCaptchaSuccess" data-expired-callback="ReCaptchaExpire">
// googleRecaptcha.js
var dotNetObject;
function GoogleRecaptcha(dotNetObjectRef) {
dotNetObject = dotNetObjectRef;
//return grecaptcha.render(selector, {
// 'sitekey': sitekeyValue,
// 'callback': (response) => { dotNetObject.invokeMethodAsync('CallbackOnSuccessAsync', response); },
// 'expired-callback': () => { dotNetObject.invokeMethodAsync('CallbackOnExpiredAsync', response); }
function ReCaptchaSuccess(response) {
dotNetObject.invokeMethodAsync('CallbackOnSuccessAsync', response);
function ReCaptchaExpire(response) {
dotNetObject.invokeMethodAsync('CallbackOnExpiredAsync', response);
function LoadCaptchaRendringScript() {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js";
//document.getElementById("g-recaptcha-script").innerHTML = script;
The page automatically sends the token once completed/checked/solved. My problem is i dont know how to trigger the callback. I've found that using ___grecaptcha_cfg is an option so I've tried via chrome devtools console ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].B.B.callback = "token" but nothings happens. I have checked that ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].B.B.callback is the correct one. How do i solve this?
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