How to automatically solve RotateCaptcha?



RotateCaptcha is a type of captcha where you have to rotate images to solve it. The most popular is FunCaptcha by Arkose Labs.

  1. To solve RotateCaptcha you have to:
    1. Get an image or several images that should be rotated.
    2. Optionally: determine the angle for one rotation step and provide it as a value for angle parameter.
      If not defined we'll use the default value for FunCaptcha: 40 degrees.
      The full list of parameters is in the table below.
    3. Submit images to our server with HTTP POST request to our API URL: setting method parameter to rotatecaptcha. Server accepts images only in multipart format.
      Server will return captcha ID or an error code if something went wrong.
    4. Make a 5 seconds timeout and submit a HTTP GET request to our API URL: to get the result.
      If captcha is already solved server will return the answer with angles for each image like: OK|40|200|-120.
      Positive values mean that images should be rotated clockwise.
      Negative values mean that images should be rotated counter-clockwise.
      If captcha is not solved yet server will return CAPCHA_NOT_READY result. Repeat your request in 5 seconds.
      If something went wrong server will return an error code.
    5. Rotate images to given angles to solve your RotateCaptcha.
      Sample form for RotateCaptcha
      <form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <input  name="key" value="YOUR_APIKEY"><br>
      <input  name="method" value="rotatecaptcha"><br>
      <input  name="angle" value="40"><br>
      <input type="file" name="file"><br>
      <input type="submit" value="Upload and get the ID">

      Sample form for RotateCaptcha in base64 format
      <form method="post" action="">
      <input  name="key" value="YOUR_APIKEY"><br>
      <input  name="method" value="rotatecaptcha"><br>
      <input  name="angle" value="40"><br>
      <textarea name="body">BASE64_FILE</textarea>
      <input type="submit" value="Upload and get the ID">

      YOUR_APIKEY is your API key.

Request URL example:


New member
How do websites commonly attempt to prevent automated solving of RotateCaptcha, and what measures does 2captcha take to stay effective? Given the ongoing evolution of security measures, understanding the countermeasures implemented by websites and how 2captcha adapts to these would be very valuable.


New member
The code samples show how to upload a single image file for the RotateCaptcha. However, the instructions mention that you may need to rotate "several images" to solve the captcha.
How can you modify the provided code to handle uploading multiple image files simultaneously when solving a RotateCaptcha? What changes would you need to make to the HTML form and the API request parameters to accommodate multiple file uploads? Additionally, how would the API response be structured when returning the rotation angles for each individual image?
Providing a code example demonstrating the necessary modifications would be helpful for developers looking to integrate RotateCaptcha solving capabilities into their applications using the 2Captcha API.