RotateCaptcha is a type of captcha where you have to rotate images to solve it. The most popular is FunCaptcha by Arkose Labs.
- To solve RotateCaptcha you have to:
- Get an image or several images that should be rotated.
- Optionally: determine the angle for one rotation step and provide it as a value for angle parameter.
If not defined we'll use the default value for FunCaptcha: 40 degrees.
The full list of parameters is in the table below. - Submit images to our server with HTTP POST request to our API URL: setting method parameter to rotatecaptcha. Server accepts images only in multipart format.
Server will return captcha ID or an error code if something went wrong. - Make a 5 seconds timeout and submit a HTTP GET request to our API URL: to get the result.
If captcha is already solved server will return the answer with angles for each image like: OK|40|200|-120.
Positive values mean that images should be rotated clockwise.
Negative values mean that images should be rotated counter-clockwise.
If captcha is not solved yet server will return CAPCHA_NOT_READY result. Repeat your request in 5 seconds.
If something went wrong server will return an error code. - Rotate images to given angles to solve your RotateCaptcha.
Sample form for RotateCaptcha
Code:<form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data"> KEY:<br> <input name="key" value="YOUR_APIKEY"><br> Type<br> <input name="method" value="rotatecaptcha"><br> Angle<br> <input name="angle" value="40"><br> Files:<br> <input type="file" name="file"><br> <input type="submit" value="Upload and get the ID"> </form>
Sample form for RotateCaptcha in base64 format
Code:<form method="post" action=""> KEY:<br> <input name="key" value="YOUR_APIKEY"><br> Type<br> <input name="method" value="rotatecaptcha"><br> Angle<br> <input name="angle" value="40"><br> Files:<br> <textarea name="body">BASE64_FILE</textarea> <input type="submit" value="Upload and get the ID"> </form>
YOUR_APIKEY is your API key.
Request URL example: