Hi!Some website is updating to the ReCaptcha Enterprise, and how to solve it ?
Our team is currently making a research to find a way to bypass this version of ReCaptcha.
Currently we know that in some cases V2 or V3 tokens are accepted by Enterprise, depending on which type of Enterprise is used on a website.
We'll post updates on progress in this thread.
so, In the website "steampowered.com/join/", which version of recaptcha can be use? v2 or v3?
I try to use v2, some token will be accepted, but quit low, it seems 5%, and my report api will be blocked because too much bad report.
You replay tell me to try v3 version, but your return ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE, follwing is my request parameters .
Now, I have two question,
1. how to use v3 version to solve captcha in website "store.steampowered.com/join/" ?
2. Should I report bad token with your return v2 tokens, if I using it to solve Enterprise? Too much bad report will blocked my report api again ?
Currently you can use V2 for steam. And yes, please send reports. Report API will not block your requests anymore.
how solve captcha in website "store.steampowered.com/join/" ?Currently you can use V2 for steam. And yes, please send reports. Report API will not block your requests anymore.
2captcha says they're looking for a way. I'm also having problems with the new version of Google ReCaptcha. Hope 2captcha will be resolved soonhow solve captcha in website "store.steampowered.com/join/" ?
Hi, Are there any new updates for the ReCaptcha Enterprise?Hi!
Our team is currently making a research to find a way to bypass this version of ReCaptcha.
Currently we know that in some cases V2 or V3 tokens are accepted by Enterprise, depending on which type of Enterprise is used on a website.
We'll post updates on progress in this thread.