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I have been trying to bypass the captcha but all efforts in vain. I don't know which function triger and thus it move forward as there is no submit button on the website. So it only moves forward to show Challenge completed screen when someone do solve it manually.
I am stuck on injecting token. Please Guide me what to do next because i am noob in javascript here is few javascript functions which i thnk are cause of all this. Please tell me how to trigger a callback function so it moves to next page. or Complete the Funcaptcha.
I am stuck on injecting token. Please Guide me what to do next because i am noob in javascript here is few javascript functions which i thnk are cause of all this. Please tell me how to trigger a callback function so it moves to next page. or Complete the Funcaptcha.
var loadedCheck = 0;
function getAllUrlParams(e) {
var t = e ? e.split("?")[1] :,
a = {};
if (t)
for (var n = (t = t.split("#")[0]).split("&"), i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
var o = n[i].split("="),
s = o[0],
r = void 0 === o[1] || o[1];
if (((s = s.toLowerCase()), "string" == typeof r && (r = r.toLowerCase()), s.match(/\[(\d+)?\]$/))) {
var l = s.replace(/\[(\d+)?\]/, "");
if ((a[l] || (a[l] = []), s.match(/\[\d+\]$/))) {
var c = /\[(\d+)\]/.exec(s)[1];
a[l][c] = r;
} else a[l].push(r);
} else a[s] ? (a[s] && "string" == typeof a[s] ? ((a[s] = [a[s]]), a[s].push(r)) : a[s].push(r)) : (a[s] = r);
return a;
function loadArkose() {
var e = getAllUrlParams(window.location.href);
"xbox_1" === e.uitheme
? navigator.__defineGetter__("userAgent", function () {
return "Xbox_Dark";
: "xbox_2" === e.uitheme
? navigator.__defineGetter__("userAgent", function () {
return "Xbox_Light";
: "win8wiz" === e.uitheme &&
navigator.__defineGetter__("userAgent", function () {
return "Win8Wiz";
var t = window.location.pathname.split("/"),
a = new ArkoseEnforcement({
public_key: t[1],
language: e.mkt,
target_html: "arkose",
callback: function () {
parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ eventId: "challenge-complete", payload: { sessionToken: a.getSessionToken() } }), "*");
loaded_callback: function () {
(frameHeight = document.getElementById("fc-iframe-wrap").offsetHeight),
(frameWidth = document.getElementById("fc-iframe-wrap").offsetWidth),
"xbox_1" === e.uitheme || "xbox_2" === e.uitheme ? a.enableDirectionalInput() : e.uitheme,
parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ eventId: "challenge-loaded", payload: { sessionToken: a.getSessionToken(), frameHeight: frameHeight, frameWidth: frameWidth } }), "*"),
(loadedCheck = 1);
onsuppress: function () {
parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ eventId: "challenge-suppressed", payload: { sessionToken: a.getSessionToken() } }), "*");
onshown: function () {
parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ eventId: "challenge-shown", payload: { sessionToken: a.getSessionToken() } }), "*");
window.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
try {
} catch (e) {
var t = JSON.parse(;
switch (t.eventId) {
case "challenge-left":
case "challenge-right":
case "challenge-down":
case "challenge-up":
case "challenge-proceed":
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("FunCaptcha-action", { detail: { action: t.payload.action } }));
var interval = setInterval(function () {
(frameHeight = document.getElementById("fc-iframe-wrap").offsetHeight),
(frameWidth = document.getElementById("fc-iframe-wrap").offsetWidth),
1 == loadedCheck && parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ eventId: "challenge-iframeSize", payload: { frameHeight: frameHeight, frameWidth: frameWidth } }), "*");
}, 3e3);