League of Legends Account Creator




Completely free account registrar for League of Legends.
API key ruCaptcha is required.

Servers: EUW, EUNE, NA, BR, TR, RU, OCE, LAN, LAS.
Proxy support.

How to use:
  1. Open last release.
  2. Download unzip and run acc-creator-react.<version>.exe.
  3. Configure your settings (server, amount, ..., captcha, proxy).
  4. Generate your list (it does not create accounts yet so u can check if u did all right).
  5. Start creation.
  6. Created accounts are saving to ./accounts directory in 2 formats FULL and COMPACT.
  1. Server. Supported: EUW, EUNE, NA, BR, TR, RU, OCE, LAN, LAS, JP.
  2. Email. (Custom emails, custom domains, random domains)
  3. Username. (Custom list, Random)
  4. Password. (Length, One for all)
  5. Date of Birth. (Random, One for all)
  6. Proxy. (Own proxy list / free proxies from proxyscrape.com. socks4/5 only for now)

Documentation https://github.com/lociero/League-of-Legends-Accounts-Creator
League of Legends Account Creator has an integrated automatic bypass captcha system 2captcha.com