Pavel Durov announced the largest digital migration in the history of mankind



The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, said that since the publication of his last post, the massive influx of new users to the messenger has only increased.

“Perhaps we are witnessing the largest digital migration in the history of mankind,” said Durov.

Recently, the presidents of Turkey and Brazil have joined Telegram users.

The presidents of Mexico and France, the Prime Minister of Singapore, the President of Ukraine, the President of Uzbekistan, the President of Taiwan, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia and the Prime Minister of Israel already have accounts in the service.

“We are honored that political leaders, as well as numerous public organizations, rely on Telegram to fight disinformation and spread information about important issues in their societies,” Durov added.

He noted that unlike other networks, Telegram does not use opaque algorithms to decide whether a user should see the content he is subscribed to. As a result, Telegram channels are the only direct way to connect with the audience.

Recall that this month the monthly audience of Telegram crossed the mark of 500 million users.


New member
Durov is a genius, the Russian authorities took Vkontakte from him by force and he made a service that is even better