Puppeteer Extra Plugin for reCAPTCHA


Hi everyone! I'm working with the Puppeteer Extra Plugin for reCAPTCHA and facing a 'TimeoutError: Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded'. Has anyone else encountered this?


Hi everyone! I'm working with the Puppeteer Extra Plugin for reCAPTCHA and facing a 'TimeoutError: Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded'. Has anyone else encountered this?

Have you checked if network settings are blocking requests to reCAPTCHA? Sometimes too many requests from the same IP can trigger suspicions.


New member
Another thing - the timeout might be related to improper promise handling in Puppeteer. Are you correctly managing asynchronous requests?


Yes, I've checked network settings, all good there. But regarding promises... Can you give an example of proper handling?


Make sure you're using await for all asynchronous calls in Puppeteer. Like this:
const result = await page.solveRecaptchas();.
And donā€™t forget about try-catch blocks for error handling.


New member
Ah, the classic 'Navigation timeout' saga continues! Has anyone tried turning it off and on again? Just kidding! In all seriousness, I've noticed that sometimes these issues aren't just about the code. It's like the digital equivalent of finding your lost keys in the last place you look. Maybe we're all just one 'await' keyword away from solving the mysteries of the Puppeteer universe. But hey, if all else fails, we could always ask the reCAPTCHA for help, right? šŸ˜‰