Live visualization of all the Pokémon (with option to show gyms, raids and PokéStops) in your area. This is a proof of concept that we can load all the Pokémon visible nearby given a location. Currently runs on a Flask server displaying Google Maps with markers on it.
- Shows Pokémon, PokéStops, raids and gyms with a clean GUI.
- Notifications
- Lure information
- Multithreaded mode
- Filters
- Independent worker threads (many can be used simultaneously to quickly generate a livemap of a huge geographical area)
- Localization (en, es, fr, pt_br, de, ru, ko, ja, zh_tw, zh_cn, zh_hk)
- DB storage (mysql) of all found Pokémon
- Incredibly fast, efficient searching algorithm (compared to everything else available)
RocketMap has an integrated automatic bypass captcha system