Sitemap xml


New member
Hey. Maybe I'm asking a stupid question, but I couldn't find the answers. I create a site on a local server openserver, a site on joomla, create a map with the JL Sitemap component, html maps are formatted, but the xml map is not displayed, the sitemap.xml file shows a 404 error.

Is it because the site is not on the Internet? :confused:


New member
Hey. Maybe I'm asking a stupid question, but I couldn't find the answers. I create a site on a local server openserver, a site on joomla, create a map with the JL Sitemap component, html maps are formatted, but the xml map is not displayed, the sitemap.xml file shows a 404 error.

Is it because the site is not on the Internet? :confused:
The problem is most likely in the incorrect configuration of the component or in the component conflict and processing of 404 pages. To be more specific, you need visual evidence and access to the site.


New member
Спасибо большое, разобрался, у меня неправильно был файл .htaccess настроен
Hey. Maybe I'm asking a stupid question, but I couldn't find the answers. I create a site on a local server openserver, a site on joomla, create a map with the JL Sitemap component, html maps are formatted, but the xml map is not displayed, the sitemap.xml file shows a 404 error.

Is it because the site is not on the Internet? :confused:
What about the .htaccess file configured?