Sobot is the best analogue of VkBot (vk bot), surpassing it in many ways.
Nowadays, a huge number of people spend their free time on social networks. Users of these resources tell about themselves and their interests in great detail on their personal pages. This allows you to very accurately select the target audience.
It would be wise to use this means to achieve your own benefit, whether it be website or group promotion, sale of goods and services, or traffic arbitrage.
Get yourself a personal assistant who will perform many of the same type of actions for you and automate many tedious processes 24 hours 7 days a week.
Program will also help your work with classmates and boost Instagram subscribers.
- Visits to user pages (search for target audience)
- Likes and reposts of the target audience to attract to the advertising page
- Friend invite
- Sending private messages
- Comments on CA posts
- Comments on posts in your feed
- Publishing posts on your wall
- Accepting friend requests
- Posting posts in groups
- Likes of posts in the feed
- Repost posts from selected pages (filling the wall)
- Post promotion
- Removing all VK likes
- Group invitation
- Subscribe to the community
- Likes and reposts
- Log out of all communities
- Subscriber translation
- Remove dogs from friends
- Clear the wall of posts
- Adding to friends
- Parsing groups
- Meeting invitations
- Parsing id from likes
- Delete all photos
- Mass change of avatars
- Bulk password change
- Bulk privacy setting
- Bulk information customization
- Exporting accounts
- Unlimited use of concurrent profiles
- Captcha input via rucaptcha and antigate services
- Answering machine
- Flexible timing settings
- Flexible configuration of proxy use
- Group execution of selected tasks
- Blacklists of users and posts
- Ability to view the account page
- The ability to attach photos and videos to posts and comments
- Collection of published posts
- Randomizing text using tags
- New Private Message Alert
- The ability to open each questionnaire in a new window for conducting dialogues
SOBOT has an integrated automatic bypass captcha system