The Telegram messenger came out on top in terms of downloads among applications in the United States. The Daily Telegraph reports.
According to the publication, since January 6, 2021, Telegram has been downloaded about 545 thousand times. This is three times more than a week earlier.
It is assumed that the reasons for the growth were the blocking of Donald Trump's accounts in the USA - on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., the ban on the social network Parler, where the supporters of the current president communicated, as well as the new WhatsApp policy, according to which the messenger will be able to freely exchange user data with Facebook ...
The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has not yet commented on this information. At the same time, the other day he announced a massive outflow of the audience from WhatsApp to Telegram and urged the competitor to respect their users.
According to the latest data, Telegram's audience is about 500 million users and continues to grow.
According to the publication, since January 6, 2021, Telegram has been downloaded about 545 thousand times. This is three times more than a week earlier.
It is assumed that the reasons for the growth were the blocking of Donald Trump's accounts in the USA - on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., the ban on the social network Parler, where the supporters of the current president communicated, as well as the new WhatsApp policy, according to which the messenger will be able to freely exchange user data with Facebook ...
The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has not yet commented on this information. At the same time, the other day he announced a massive outflow of the audience from WhatsApp to Telegram and urged the competitor to respect their users.
According to the latest data, Telegram's audience is about 500 million users and continues to grow.