The relevance of comments on the site and the impact on search engines?


New member
Hello everyone! Faced with one interesting question, I have a site that has comments under each material, but they are hidden from guests, it turns out from search engine bots.

I have 600-1000 comments a day on my site and naturally it is very difficult for me to keep track of this, and once Google adsense began to issue warnings to me and turn off some pages due to negative comments (insult, 18+, etc.). I had to hide them from the guests.

The question is, do comments have any effect on promotion? Is it worth it to return them and show them ps they say look at the site there is activity?


New member
Hello everyone! Faced with one interesting question, I have a site that has comments under each material, but they are hidden from guests, it turns out from search engine bots.

I have 600-1000 comments a day on my site and naturally it is very difficult for me to keep track of this, and once Google adsense began to issue warnings to me and turn off some pages due to negative comments (insult, 18+, etc.). I had to hide them from the guests.

The question is, do comments have any effect on promotion? Is it worth it to return them and show them ps they say look at the site there is activity?
If you do not have the ability to control the incoming comments and all this has turned into an unmanageable process - delete. If comments supplement informational usefulness, then they are part of that usefulness.

In general - yes, comments are a very good tool for creating user engagement, forming a target audience - all this also has a useful effect on the assessment of search authority. Search engines see that the page is "live", it has user feedback, the page is updated with new data, the textual content of the comments adds to the uniqueness of the page.

But you have to work with comments, and if they just turn into a spam field, then, of course, delete them.


New member
comments are free content. you don't have to hide it. it just needs to be moderated without showing it before moderation.


New member
Hello everyone! Faced with one interesting question, I have a site that has comments under each material, but they are hidden from guests, it turns out from search engine bots.

I have 600-1000 comments a day on my site and naturally it is very difficult for me to keep track of this, and once Google adsense began to issue warnings to me and turn off some pages due to negative comments (insult, 18+, etc.). I had to hide them from the guests.

The question is, do comments have any effect on promotion? Is it worth it to return them and show them ps they say look at the site there is activity?
I may be the only one to speak out against.

Comments are a bad thing if there are more of them than the main content. In order not to write Google, it does not know how to separate the main content from the additional. BUT! He knows how to identify UGC.

If suddenly, there are more comments than content, if the content in the comments is more saturated, then Google may consider the content in the comments as the main one. And then - trouble for your site.

I had hundreds of thousands of comments. I know what I'm talking about.


Alternatively, if there are 1000 comments a day, then you have a lot of money. Hire a person and let him filter the comments with his hands and leave only the most valuable. Then - yes, this is free content.

And the main thing !!! I often have keys in the comments !!! Because of this, spam of keys on the page can occur !!!

When people have 20-30-50 comments, that's one thing! You have 1000 a day - this is a completely different situation.


I'll give you another hint, but I won't chew. Cut in micro-markup for comments)))