TopSite is a program for collecting keywords through Yandex wordstat and determining site positions in Yandex, Google and Mail search engines. In clustering mode, automatic grouping of keywords is available.
You can install the program using the installer and it will be launched when the system starts in a minimized state. Or you can burn the portable version to a USB flash drive and carry it with you. The program runs on Windows and Linux via Wine.
The TopSite program can check the positions of sites in Yandex both through search results and through XML, in Google and Search. The collection of positions can be performed automatically on a schedule without your participation. The program supports captcha recognition services, automatic registration of IP addresses in the Yandex XML interface, and can disable Yandex personal search when checking positions.
The collection of positions can be done on several domains at once, collecting the frequency of requests and data on competitors. TopSite supports multithreading and parallel checking of many groups of queries in random order.
TopSite has an integrated automatic bypass captcha system