Grabber of posts from the walls of the social network Vkontakte
I. Wall grabber
1. Copies all posts from the given community wall.
2. Robbing posts from several groups at once
3.Can be customized:
1) the accuracy from which post to rob (copy).
2) a minimum of likes / reposts / comments on plundered posts. Posts with lower minimums will not be copied.
4. Each post can be “Signed” - for example, your copyright or any other text. It will be added to every post you publish.
5. Garbage / with someone else's advertising / spam posts - will NOT be copied
6.Posting timer is set
7.Watermark on each picture
8.Cut out unnecessary text (in NEW version 2.0, the DELIVERY settings for words are available)
II. Online grabber
1. Copies each new post from the wall of the specified communities (from several communities at once, at least 1).
2. Timer between posts.
3. In each post, you can put a "Signature" - for example, your copyright or any other text. It will be added to every post you publish.
4. Garbage / with someone else's advertising / spam posts - will NOT be copied (in NEW version 2.0, the STOP words settings are available)
5.Watermark for each picture
III. Advertising
1.Auto-update of the post by timer. It is used for VzaimoPiara, Advertising, etc. Saves tons of time!
IV. Unlimited tasks.
1.The interface is implemented in the form of creating separate tasks for each action with flexible settings and editing, which is much more convenient from experience.
2. Now you can rob from several communities at once into several communities.
3. When you restart the program, ALL settings are saved!
V. The program is minimized to tray.
Vi. Added AntiCaptcha.
Vii. We are actively fixing bugs and adding new ones, taking into account all the wishes.
Vkdog has an integrated automatic bypass captcha system