The program allows you to upload photos from your computer to the albums of VKontakte groups
The program supports:
1. Uploading images from a specified folder on a computer to albums of VK communities in two modes:
- All photos to each community
- A certain number of photos in each community (with the ability to upload without repeats)
2. Ability to select an album to download according to several criteria:
- Any open album
- Most Popular Opened Album
- Most unpopular open album
- Album creation date
- Album update date (when the last photo was uploaded)
- An open album containing the specified words or phrases in the title or description
3. Download images from a specified folder on your computer to specific albums in two modes:
- All photos in each album
- A certain number of photos in each album (with the ability to upload without repeats)
4. Uploading photos with descriptions:
- Same description for all uploaded photos
- Each photo has its own unique description
- Upload file name as description for photo
- Photo description text supports randomization {|||} and smilies
5. Flexible system of delays:
- Delay after authorization of each account
- Delay after uploading each photo
- Delay after processing each community
6. Possibility to specify limits separately for each account:
- Limit of downloads (when the account reaches the specified number of downloads, the program will be able to disconnect this account from work)
- Captcha limit (when the account reaches the specified number of captchas, the program will be able to disconnect this account from work)
7. Three modes of changing accounts during work:
- New account for each group, sequentially (photos will be uploaded to each community from the next account in the list of authorized ones)
- New account for each group, randomly (photos will be uploaded to each community from a random account from the list of authorized ones)
- Up to the limit (photos will be uploaded from the same account until the work is completed, or until the account meets the limit)
8. Ability to configure the program to work correctly with slow proxies:
9. Convenient account manager with detailed statistics and management:
10. The program has a blacklist so as not to process the same groups several times
11. Support for 4 anticaptcha services: RuCaptcha, Antigate, RipCaptcha, Cptch.Net (manual entry is also planned)
12. Work with all types of proxies (HTTPs, SOCKS)
VkPhotoLoader has an integrated automatic bypass captcha system